
[38] Those With Virtues Are Able To Have Heavier Retribution Lighter Received 有德者能重报轻受


[In the] past Western Regions, [the] Treatise Master Jièxián [i.e. Śīlabhadra], [was with] virtues high [and] foremost [in the] world, [with his] path thundering [through the] Four Indian (Kingdoms).

[Note: The Four Indian Kingdoms were the Mauryan Empire (孔雀帝国), Gupta Empire (笈多帝国), Delhi Kingdom (德里苏丹国) and Mughal Empire (莫卧儿帝国).]


Due [to his] past karmas thus, [his] body suffered [a] serious sickness, [with] its suffering extremely cruel, [he was] not able [to] bear [with it, and] desired [to] kill himself.


Just [then], seeing Mañjuśrī, Universal Virtue [and] Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds, [these] three Bodhisattvas descended [and] said, ‘You, within past kalpas, mostly being countries’ Kings, [who] maliciously harmed sentient beings, should [for] long fall [into] evil paths. Due [to] your propagation [of the] Buddha’s Dharma, thus with this human world’s little suffering, eliminating [the] suffering [of] long kalpas [in] hell, you should bear [with this].’


If not understanding [the] causes of past lives, people will say, ‘Jièxián [was] not [a] high monastic [who has] attained [the] path.’


Or [they] will say, ‘Like this great practitioner, still getting [a] miserable sickness like this, [the] Buddha’s Dharma has what spiritual connection [and] benefits?’


If those people [who] create evil presently attain blessed rewards, [they will] likewise thus give rise [to] evil views’ minds. Not knowing [these] are all [due to] past causes [and] later effects, and transforming [of] later retribution’s heavier retribution as present retribution’s lighter retribution, or transforming [of] present retribution’s lighter retribution as later retribution’s heavier retribution [and] others, [as] causes of all kinds [that are] complex [and] not equal!

Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (Second Compilation): Reply [To] Zhōu Sòngyáo;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (38th Short Section): 2nd [Chapter]: Good Faith [And] Aspiration True [And] Sincere: 2nd [Sub-Chapter]: Exhortation [To] Dispel Doubts [And] Give Rise [To] Faith (14th Short Section)

[Ref: #38 / 2.2.14]

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

Related Text:

Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence

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