
[235] Reasons For Abstaining From Killing And For Liberating Lives 戒杀放生之所以

[235] Reasons [For] Abstaining [From] Killing [And For] Liberating Lives


Perhaps asking, ‘[As] widowers, widows, orphans, [the] childless [and] poor [with] suffering [and] difficulties are everywhere, why not help [these] needy [ones? To] then [do] so eagerly for [other] different kinds of unrelated [sentient beings, is] this [with the] non-urgent [and] urgent, light [and] heavy, not also inverted?’


Replying, ‘You [have] yet [to] know [the] reason why [the] Thus Come [One] taught humans [to] abstain [from] killing, [and to] liberate lives. Those humans [and other] sentient beings, although [are] different, [their] Buddha-nature [is] originally [the] same. They [are] with evil karma sunken [to] be [as] different kinds, [while] we [are] with good karma [to] fortunately attain [these] human bodies.

[Note 1: All human and non-human sentient beings (有情众生) such as animals (畜生;动物) have Buddha-nature (佛性), the potential to attain Buddhahood (佛果).]


If not [with] additional sympathy, indulging [in] eating [them], once our blessings perhaps exhaust, [and with] their transgressive [karma] perhaps completed, [it is] difficult [to] avoid from [the] beginning repaying, [to] fill their mouths [and] stomachs.

[Note 2: From the beginning repaying means to possibly switch places, with the animals once eaten reborn as humans, who then eat their eaters, now reborn as animals.]


[It] should [be] known [that] wars’ great disasters, [are] all [with] that killing karma of past lives connected. If without killing’s karma, even if personally meeting bandits, [we] should give rise [to] good minds, without putting [them to] death.

[Note 3: The continual mass-killing of animals is a major cause for the continual mass-killing of humans in wars. Groups of humans killing one another could have killed one another in their past lives too, as humans and/or animals.]


Also, moreover, [of] epidemics, floods, fires [and] all disasters’ accidental deaths, those [who] abstain [from] killing lives, [and] liberate lives [are with] extremely few encountering [them. With] this, know [that] protecting lives, originally belongs [to] protecting oneself. [Those who] abstain [from] killing can avoid [being by the] heavens killed, ghosts [and] gods killed, [and] robbers killed, [in the] future [with] resentment [after] resentment repaying one another [with] killing.

[Note 4: Those who abstain from killing intentionally will not create the causes to be killed intentionally or accidentally.]


[Of] widowers, widows, orphans, [the] childless, [and] poor [with] suffering [and] difficulties, [we] also should according [to one’s] part [and] according [to one’s] ability, [be] with [the] practice [of] helping [these] needy [ones]. How [can] those humans [who] abstain [from] killing, [and] liberate lives, absolutely not do these things [for] meritorious virtues?

[Note 5: It is a common false dichotomy to think that to help animals means to not help humans, when both can be helped at opportune times.]


However, widowers [and] widows, although [are] deeply pitiable, [have] still yet to reach death’s ground. Sentient beings, [if] then not practising saving [and] redeeming [of them, will] immediately ascend cauldrons [and] chopping boards, for filling mouths [and] stomachs.’

[Note 6: When liberating lives, it is an important practice to recite the name of Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛) to the animals, to create indestructible affinity between them and the Buddha’s name, so that they can easier further learn and practise mindfulness of Buddha (念佛) to reach his Pure Land (净土), where the swiftest liberation (解脱) from rebirth (轮回) is guaranteed.]


Also asking, ‘[As] sentient beings’ kinds [are] inexhaustible, [we are] able [to] liberate how many?’


Replying, ‘[It] should [be] known [that of] liberating lives, [this] one matter, [it is] truly for giving rise [to the] most supreme good mind of fellow humans, [to] universally protect sentient beings’ lives. Hoping they [will] ponder [the] meaning of liberating them, within [their] minds feeling compassion, not bearing [to] eat [them]. Since not eating, thus [will] that catching [of them] then cease.

[Note 7: Liberating animals from being killed should lead to liberating them from the dining table. Abstaining from killing (戒杀) with eating as veg(etari)ans (吃素) is to practise compassion more passively, while liberating lives (放生) is to practise compassion more actively. When there is less demand for meat, there will be less supply of meat from killing of animals. When there is no demand for meat, there will be no supply of meat from killing of animals.]


[With] various [in the] water, [on the] land [and in the] sky moving, all sentient beings’ kinds, [with] ease flying, walking, swimming in that [of their] own environments, [this] then becomes [the] universal liberating of not liberating. [Is this] not so-called with [the] heavens below then as [a life liberation] pond?

[Note 8: The world with all sentient beings being free, without the need to be liberated would be ideal, although technically not possible in a defiled land (秽土), the opposite of a Pure Land.]


Even if not able [to be with] each person [doing] thus, yet [with just] one person not bearing [to] eat meat, then [will] immeasurable water [and] land lives, attain avoidance [of] slaughter, moreover [when it is] not only [with] one person?

[Note 9: For those who assume one veg(etari)an cannot make a difference, it is useful to know that there are about 79 million vegans in the world currently.]


Furthermore, [this is] for all present [and] future fellow humans, [to] sever [the] causes of [becoming] widowers, widows, orphans, childless [and] poor [with] suffering [and] difficulties, [and to] create [the] conditions of long life without sicknesses, [with] wealth, honour, peace, bliss, reunions [of] fathers [and] sons, [with] husbands [and] wives growing old together.

[Note 10: To abstain from killing, and to liberate lives, is to not create the evil karmic causes of separating sentient beings’ families, and to not shorten their lives, condition their sicknesses and such, thus having the good effects above.]


[This is] precisely, therefore, in advance practice [of] helping [the] needy, enabling [them in] future life [after] life, [to] forever not encounter [becoming] widowers [and] widows, [with] other sufferings, [to] long enjoy [and] receive longevity, wealth [and] other joys. [Is this] not so-called [with] entire regions receiving blessings? How can [this be with] indifference set aside? Carefully examine [and] contemplate this. Are abstaining [from] killing, [and] liberating lives, after all, eagerly [done] for humans, [or are they] restrained [to being] eagerly [done] for [other] sentient beings [only? Is this] then [with the] non-urgent [and] urgent, light [and] heavy inverted?’

Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Ultimate Bliss Monastery’s Life Liberation Pond’s Commentary;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (235th Short Section): 6th [Chapter]: Encouragement [To] Pay Attention [To] Cause [And] Effect: Second, Guidance [On] Essentials Of Abstinence [From] Killing (3rd Short Section)
[Ref: #235 / 6.2.3]

Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an

Related Text:

Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence

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