Remedies to Rid Drowsiness for Practice
Summarised below from the Capala Sutta,
the Buddha advises Mogallana on how to resolve drowsiness:
1. If there is drowsiness, do not attend to that in your mind.
2. If there is still drowsiness, re-examine and ponder the Dharma.
3. If there is still drowsiness, repeat aloud the Dharma learnt and memorised. (This trains memory too.)
4. If there is still drowsiness, pull both earlobes and rub limbs with your hands.
5. If there is still drowsiness, wash your eyes, look around and up at the sky.
6. If there is still drowsiness, visualise light to brighten your mind.
7. If there is still drowsiness, practise to-and-fro walking meditation..
8. If there is still drowsiness, take up the lion’s posture and be determined to rise quickly after rest, thinking ‘I shall not indulge in lying down or drowsiness.’
Ways to Transform Laziness to Motivation for Practice
Summarised below from the Kusita-Arambhavatthu Sutta, the Buddha advises monks how to transform excuses for not practising the Dharma into motivation for doing so. With some imagination, they apply to laypeople too, who have to juggle with work and family obligations.
Excuse 1: I will have to do this work.
But when it is done, I will be tired. Why don’t I lie down now?
Remedy: When I am doing this work, it will not be easy to practise the Dharma.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 2: I have done some work.
Now that it is done, I am tired. Why don’t I lie down now?
Remedy: While I was doing work, I couldn’t practise the Dharma.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 3: I will have to go on this journey.
When I have gone on it, I will be tired. Why don’t I lie down now?’
Remedy: When I am on the journey, it will not be easy to practise the Dharma.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 4: I have gone on a journey.
Now that I have gone on it, I am tired. Why don’t I lie down now?
Remedy: While I was going on the journey, I couldn’t practise the Dharma.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 5: I, having gone for alms, have not gotten as much food.
I am tired and unsuitable for work. Why don’t I lie down now?’
Remedy: Having not gotten much food, my body is light and suitable for work.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 6: I, having gone for alms, have gotten much food.
I am heavy and unsuitable for work. Why don’t I lie down now?
Remedy: Having gotten much food, my body is light and suitable for work.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 7: I have come down with a slight illness. There’s a need to lie down now.
Remedy: There’s the possibility my illness could worsen.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?
Excuse 8: I have recovered from my illness. It’s not long after my recovery.
I am weak and unsuitable for work. Why don’t I lie down now?
Remedy: There’s the possibility my illness could return.
Why don’t I make an effort for Dharma practice now?