[177] If Birds Also Can [Be] Reborn [In] Pure Land, What More Humans?
When Yúnnán’s Zhāng Zhuōxiān’s second daughter [was] getting married, [his] son-in-law’s family sent [a] pair [of] geese [for] practising [the] ritual [of] paying respects [with] wild geese, [with] those then liberated at Mount Huátíng’s Yúnqī Monastery. [This has] already [been] three years.
[Note 1: Using geese for paying respects is an ancient Chinese custom, that is not necessary for Buddhists to do.]
Those two geese, when on every morning [and in the] evening, [would] ascend [to the] hall [for] conducting liturgical recitation, [to] stand outside [the] hall, [and] extend [their] necks [to] view [the] Buddha[‘s image].
[Note 2: This expresses their great reverence to the Buddha and his teachings. To reverently gaze at the Buddha’s image is a form of mindfulness of Buddha (观像念佛) too.]
[In] this year’s fourth month, that male [goose] first died, [with] people not minding [so].
[Note 3: As the goose departed while practising the above daily, there should be a good rebirth, if not the best rebirth in the Buddha’s Pure Land.]
Later, that female [goose did] not eat [for] several days, [and when] that [goose] came [to] view [the] Buddha, [the] Karmadāna [offered] guidance, [to] enable [her to] seek rebirth [in Pure Land, and told her that she] must not [be] attached [to this] world.
[Note 4: This is offering of guidance when approaching life’s end (临终开示), on the right attitude and practice to have, so as to reach the Buddha’s Pure Land.]
Thereupon for [her] reciting [the] Buddha[‘s name] [i.e. Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛] several tens [of] times.
[Note 5: This is offering of support-chanting when approaching life’s end (临终助念). Even though the goose could not recite the Buddha’s name verbally, she could still have the true Practice (实行) of listening to it with profound Faith (深信) and sincere Aspiration (切愿), thus connecting to the Buddha, to be received and guided (接引) to his Pure Land. Such listening with the Three Provisions (三资粮) is mindfulness of Buddha (念佛) too.]
[The] goose circumambulated three rounds, [and with her] two wings once flapping, immediately died.
[Note 6: This is with circumambulation of Buddha having mindfulness of Buddha (绕佛念佛). The ease and speed of her departure expresses the great depth of her Three Provisions.]
Zhuōxiān because [of this] wrote ‘Record [Of A] Pair [Of] White Geese’s Rebirths’.
Wow, [how] extraordinary! [As] all sentient beings, all have Buddha-nature, all can become Buddhas. [With the] geese still like this, [how] can [we] as humans, yet [be] not as good as [these] birds?
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (Third Compilation): Reply Letter [To] Zhōu Bóqiú;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (177th Short Section): 3rd [Chapter]: Guidance [On] Practice Methods: Sixth, Encouragement Of Practitioners To Strive Diligently (8th Short Section)
[Ref: #177 / 3.6.8]
Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an
Related Text:
Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence
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