How And When Should Beads Be Used For Mindfulness Of Buddha? 应当如何何时用念珠念佛?

As the Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng (净土宗十三祖印光大师) taught in his ‘Letter Of Admonition To Those First Giving Rise To The Aspiration To Learn Buddhism’《诫初发心学佛者书》,

‘If clutching beads reciting, this is able to prevent laziness. When quietly [3] sitting, there must not be clutching. With clutching, then with fingers moving, then will the mind not be able to concentrate. After long, this will receive sickness.’ (掐珠念,能防懈怠。静坐时,切不可掐。掐则指动而心不能定,久必受病。)

The sickness can refer to that related to scattered-mindedness (散心), which is the opposite of wholeheartedness (一心) wanted, while tiring more quickly.

Short, medium or long prayer beads (念珠) are usually used as counters to note the number of recitations committed to, by moving one bead per recitation between a hand’s thumb and index finger. The number of recitations is known by multiplying the number of beads with the number of rounds. However, it is easier to measure discipline committed to hands-free and thus with less distractions by using a countdown timer on a watch or phone.

Here are considerations on when to use beads in terms of the four postures (四威仪):

As the Master taught and ‘reiterated’ in his ‘Fourth Reply Letter To Layperson Gāo Shàolín’《复高邵麟居士书四》, ‘Clutching beads when reciting Buddha’s name, is only suitable for [1] walking and [2] standing, these two times. If quietly [3] sitting and resting the mind, due to the hand moving thus, the mind will not be able to have peace, over time then receiving sickness.’ (掐珠念佛,唯宜行住二时。若静坐养神,由手动故,神不能安,久则受病。)

[1] Walking (行): When walking, which is mobile, beads can be used to help maintain focus on mindfulness of the Buddha’s name, to prevent being distracted by whatever seen while walking.

[2] Standing (住): When standing, which is stationary, if the eyes can be half-closed (to let in some light to easier stay non-drowsy), there is no need to use beads as there is no avenue for visual distraction. If the eyes have to stay open, perhaps to look out for something or someone, beads can be used to help maintain focus.

[3] Sitting (坐): As above, beads should not be used for counting.

[4] Lying Down (卧): When lying down, which is stationary like [3] sitting, there should not be using of beads, so as to focus on the Buddha’s name only. However, to remind beginners to practise, especially those bedridden, beads can be offered as a tangible reminder to meet recitation quotas committed to.

Also to note, as the Master taught in his ‘Fourth Reply Letter To Layperson Gāo Shàolín’《复高邵麟居士书四》, ‘When [4] lying down, it is only suitable to have silent (i.e. mental) recitation. There must not be verbal recitation. If with verbal recitation, first then, is it not respectful, second then, is it harmful for breathing and vitality.’ (卧时只宜默念,不可出声。若出声,一则不恭,二则伤气 [i.e. 损伤元气]。)

Thus, the bedridden should only recite verbally (出声念) when propped up slightly or [3] seated upright, and/or only recite silently (默念) when [4] lying down. Those lying down used to reciting verbally can do so for a few times first, before reciting silently for the rest of the session.

[1]—[4] Clutching Beads (掐珠): Beads can be worn or clutched as reminders in any posture without moving them, but without being attached to them, lest without them in emergencies, including when on the deathbed.

Related Teachings:

[67] Mindfulness Of Buddha Must Be Careful, To Not Be ‘Possessed’ With Compassion And Joy ‘Demons’
Mindfulness Of Buddha Must Be Arbitrated, When Quietly Sitting Not Clutching Beads

The Method Of Ten Recitations With Counting & The Method Of Early Morning’s Ten Recitations

When To Have Verbal And Silent Recitation?
How To Gather The Six Roots For Pure Mindfulness In Continual Succession?

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