
[119] How I Guided My Father-In-Law To Reach Pure Land

My Father-in-law (FIL), born in 1944, was a nominal Buddhist who rarely prayed during his lifetime but did pray to Guānyīn Bodhisattva (观音菩萨) for a short one year, around the year 2015.

(This Bodhisattva is the chief attendant (胁士) disciple of Āmítuófó [阿弥陀佛], according to teachings such as those in the Sūtra Of Guānyīn Bodhisattva’s Prediction《观世音菩萨授记经》, who also dwells in his Western Pure Land Of Ultimate Bliss [西方极乐世界] to teach those there.)

In the middle of January 2025, he was admitted to ICU due to serious infection on a leg and a kidney problem. Initially, we expected him to be discharged within days, but as time passed by, his condition worsened.

On the evening of 3 February, we were summoned to the hospital for briefing on the latest development, which indicated a possible passing within days. Since then, I called Bro. Shen Shi’an several times to ask for instructions to prepare for his farewell. I am thankful for his assistance by answering all my calls and sending me helpful guidelines and links. (e.g. https://purelanders.com/wake)

Around 11:50 pm on 4 February, my wife received a call from the ICU nurse, informing that my FIL was showing signs of imminent death based on his vital measurements. As the hospital is a bit far, we prepared some clothes and toiletries in case we needed to stay in a nearby hotel for several days.

Three hours earlier, I had driven to my office to pick up a Dhāraṇī Blanket (陀罗尼被: https://purelanders.com/2023/02/25/top-ten-facts-to-know-about-the-dhara%e1%b9%87i-rebirth-blanket) which I have kept for years on standby. By the time we arrived at the ICU, it was 2:06 am on 5 February. (The blanket helps to eliminate karmic obstacles and offer protection.)

There, I saw my FIL struggling with his breathing, showing signs of pain and suffering. His face was a bit black. I immediately put the Dhāraṇī Blanket on him and asked my wife to scatter the Sand Of Golden Bright Light (金光明沙) on his five designated areas. (See point [25] at https://purelanders.com/2015/12/30/important-guidelines-2-during-dying-pure-land-passport-section-4b on how to use these aids.)

After offering guidance (开示), we both immediately started support-chanting (助念) with Āmítuófó’s name in four tones (https://purelanders.com/mp3) at 2:09 am. We later knew from the nurse that he passed away at 2:15 am, about 6 minutes after our sincere recitation.

At 3.20 am, I noticed that his complexion had turned from dark to bright. His face became serene and pleasant to behold. My non-Buddhist Mother-in-law even joined in our recitation after witnessing this positive transformation. In fact, his facial expression was even brighter, more serene, peaceful and ‘good-looking’ than when alive. (This is the auspicious sign [瑞相] of the ‘facial appearance as if alive’ [面相如生], looking even better too: https://purelanders.com/2023/02/07/the-auspicious-sign-of-the-facial-appearance-as-if-alive.)

Due to the hospital’s policy to wipe the deceased body and change the clothes promptly, we made the request to have the procedure delayed till 6 am, which was granted. And so, we continued reciting till 6.25 am. (The body of the deceased should not be touched or moved too soon as it can cause magnified pain if the consciousness is still attached: https://purelanders.com/2015/12/30/the-third-great-essential-%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%89%e5%a4%a7%e8%a6%81-pure-land-passport-section-3d.)

Surprisingly, his body was relatively supple when changing clothes, considering that stiffening usually occurs about two hours after death (due to rigor mortis). I sincerely believe that it was due to Āmítuófó’s power of blessings that he departed in such a good condition. (This is the auspicious sign of ‘the body and mind being gentle and soft’ [身心柔软]: https://purelanders.com/2023/03/06/96-the-auspicious-sign-of-the-body-and-mind-being-gentle-and-soft.)

As of today, 14 days have passed. No one in the family dreamt of my FIL (with any requests and such), which should be a good sign. On top of that, no one felt any presence of him. Hopefully, this means he has already attained the best rebirth in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land.

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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