[142] Wholehearted Upholding [Of Āmítuófó’s] Name [Is A] Thousand [Times More] Secure [And] Ten Thousand [Times More] Suitable
Contemplations, although [are with] sixteen, practitioners practising [them], should from that easy cultivate practice. Perhaps doing [the] Thus Come [One’s] white fine hair’s [i.e. ūrṇā] contemplation, or doing [the] thirteenth mixed contemplation.
As for contemplations of [the] Nine Grades, [they are] only [for] leading people [to] know practitioners’ past causes with later effects of rebirth only. Only hoping [they can be] understood clearly. Then completed, truly not needing [to] specially for [them] do contemplations.
[On the] principles of contemplation, [they] cannot [be] not known. [On the] practice of contemplation, [there can be] temporary postponing [of] practice. If perhaps [with the] principles’ path not clear, [and] contemplation’s realm not understood, with [the] impetuous mind [and] feeble breath cultivating it, [this can] perhaps give rise [to] demonic matters.
Even if able [to have the] contemplation’s realm appearing before [you], if [the] mind has thoughts of rashly given rise joy, [these] also then, because [of the] joy, become obstacles, perhaps again leading to retrogressing [of] previous efforts.
Thus [does the] Śūraṅgama [Sūtra] say, ‘Not regarding [oneself as having a] noble [being’s] mind, [it is] named [as a] good state. If regarding [oneself as having a] noble [being’s] understanding, [one] immediately receives hordes [of] evil [demons’ influences].’
[I] implore [you to practise] wholehearted upholding [of the Buddha’s] name [i.e. Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛)], with [this] as that practice [a] thousand [times more] secure [and] ten thousand [times more] suitable. Awaiting until [the] mind returns to [be] unified, [the] pure realm can naturally appear before [you].
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Reply Letter [To] Huáng Yùrú;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (142nd Short Section): 3rd [Chapter]: Guidance [On] Practice Methods: Fifth, Reviews [On] Practices’ Each Method (5th Short Section)
[Ref: #142 / 3.5.5]
Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an
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Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence