The Bodhisattva’s Vegan Way Of Life
Bodhisattvas Must Not Eat Meat, Pungent Roots Or Drink Alcohol
[L2] Second [Light] Precept [Against] Drinking Alcoholic [Beverages]
If [as] Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, intentionally drinking alcoholic [beverages], then [might] alcoholic [beverages] give rise [to] faults [that are] immeasurable. If [there are] those personally [by] hand passing alcoholic beverages’ vessels [to] give others [for] drinking alcoholic [beverages, for] five hundred lifetimes [will they be] without hands, what more [if to] personally drink [them]? Likewise, [they] must not instruct all humans [to] drink, and all [other] sentient beings [to] drink alcoholic [beverages], what more [to] personally drink alcoholic [beverages], all alcoholic [beverages] must not [be] drunk. If intentionally personally drinking, [or] instructing others [to] drink, [they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.
[L3] Third [Light] Precept [Against] Eating Meat
If [as] Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, [of] intentionally eating meat, all meat must not [be] eaten. Those [who] eat meat, sever [the] great loving-kindness [and] compassion [of their] Buddha-nature’s seed, [with] all sentient beings [who] see [them] abandoning [them]. Therefore, all Bodhisattvas, must not eat all sentient beings’ meat, [with] eating meat attaining immeasurable transgressions. If [there are] those intentionally eating [it, they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.
[L4] Fourth [Light] Precept [Against] Eating Five Pungent [Roots]
If, [as] Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, [they] must not eat [the] five pungent [roots, of garlic, leek, onion, chive and asafoetida (i.e. hing)]. These five kinds, within all foods, must not [be] eaten. If intentionally eating [them, they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.
[L20] Twentieth [Light] Precept [Against] Not Practising Releasing [And] Saving [Of Lives]
If [as] Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, with [the] mind [of] loving-kindness thus, practise [the] karma [of] releasing lives. All males are my fathers, [and] all females are my mothers, [from whom], I, life [after] life, [are] without [those] not from them receiving birth. Thus, [the] six paths’ sentient beings [are] all my fathers [and] mothers. Those then killing, then eating [them, are] then killing my fathers [and] mothers, also killing my past bodies. [As] all earth [and] waters, are my former bodies, all fires [and] winds, are my original essence, thus constantly practise releasing [of] lives. [From] life [to] life receiving birth, constantly abide [in] this Dharma, [and] instruct others [to] release lives. If, when seeing [the] world’s people killing animals, [they] should skilfully save, protect [and] liberate them [from] suffering [and] difficulties, constantly teaching [and] transforming, explaining [and] speaking [these] Bodhisattva Precepts, [to] save [and] deliver sentient beings. If [on] days of fathers, mothers, brothers [and sisters’] deaths, [they] should invite Dharma Teachers [to] speak [these] Bodhisattva Precepts’ Sūtras [and] Discipline, [for] blessings [as] provisions [for] those deceased, [to] attain sight [of] all Buddhas, [to be] born [in the] human [path and the] heavenly [path] above. If [there are] those not [doing] thus, [they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.
Śākyamuni Buddha
(Brahma Net Sūtra’s Bodhisattva Precepts’ Text)

Not Wearing And Eating Bodies And Parts
相杀相吞、相食未已,云何是人得出三界?… 云何大悲,取诸众生血肉充食?若诸比丘,不服东方丝绵绢帛,及是此土靴履裘毳、乳酪醍醐。如是比丘,于世真脱…必使身心,于诸众生,若身身分,身心二途,不服不食,我说是人,真解脱者。
Killing one another [and] swallowing one another, [with] eating [of] one another yet [to] stop, how can these people attain departure [from the] three realms?… How can [those with] great compassion, take many sentient beings’ blood [and] meat [to] fill themselves as food? If all Bhikṣus, [do] not wear eastern silk waddings [and] silk clothing, and this land’s leather boots [and] shoes, furs [and] down, [or] eat and drink] milk, cheese, ghee [and] cream, such Bhikṣus, from [this] world, will truly [be] liberated… If enabling [their] bodies [and] minds, of all sentient beings’ bodies [or] body parts, [with] both paths [of] body [and] mind, [to] not wear [and] not eat [them], I say these persons, [will be] those truly liberated.
Śākyamuni Buddha
(Śūraṅgama Sūtra’s Section On Clear And Definitive Instructions On Purity)

Why Should The Five Pungent Roots Not Be Eaten?
Sentient beings seeking samādhi [i.e. meditative concentration], should sever [from the] world’s five kinds [of] pungent [root] vegetables [i.e. garlic, leek, onion, chive and asafoetida (hing)]. These five kinds [of] pungent [roots, when] cooked eaten give rise [to] lust, [and when] raw eaten increase anger. Such people of [the] world, [who] eat [these] pungent [roots], even if able [to] preach [the] twelve divisions’ sūtras [i.e. all Buddhas’ teachings], [the] ten directions’ heavenly sages [will] detest their foul stench, [with] all far departing [from them]. Many hungry ghosts [and] others, through them eating next, [will] lick their lips. Constantly with ghosts dwelling, [their] blessed virtues [will by the] day exhaust, [for] long without benefits. [Of] these people [who] eat [these] pungent [roots, when] cultivating samādhi, Bodhisattvas, heavenly sages, [and the] ten directions’ [i.e. everywhere] good [Dharma Protector] gods, [will] not come [to] guard [and] protect [them]. Great powerful demon kings, obtaining this convenience, [will] manifest [by] creating Buddhas’ bodies, [to] come for speaking [the false] ‘Dharma’ [i.e. teachings that distort the Buddha’s true teachings], [that] slanders [the] prohibitive precepts, [and] praises [the three poisons of] lust, anger and delusion [i.e. greed, hatred and ignorance]. [When] life ends, personally becoming [the] demon kings’ family members. [When] received demonic ‘blessings’ exhaust, falling [into the] Uninterrupted [i.e. Avīci] Hell. Ānanda, those [who] cultivate [for] Bodhi [i.e. enlightenment of Buddhahood] [should] forever sever [from these] five pungent [roots].
Śākyamuni Buddha
(Śūraṅgama Sūtra)
Related Article:
How Should All Aspiring For Buddhahood Eat And Drink?