
Mindfulness Of The Buddha Is The Same As Taking Āgada Medicine 念佛即是服用阿伽陀药 The Ullambana Festival Can Be With Focused Mindfulness Of Buddha 盂兰盆节可专念佛

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Mindfulness [Of The] Buddha Is The Same As Taking Āgada Medicine

[(The) Ullambana Festival Can (Be With) Focused Mindfulness (Of) Buddha]


I, [was in the] past, within [a] place [for] practice. Then, [the] abbot said [to the] assembly, ‘[On] Zhōngyuán Day [i.e. the 15th day of the 7th lunar month], [we] should make Ullambana offerings.’


I assumed [there would be] laying [of] offerings. Very soon, without laying [them, there was] mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name (阿弥陀佛: Āmítuófó) for] three days only.

[Note: There can also be offering of some physical food, as a skilful means to entice receiving of spiritual food, as offered by giving guidance (开示) and support-chanting (助念):]

[Saving (From) Suffering (And) Difficulties]


Also hearing [that in the] past, [there] was [a] superintendent by [a] government office that arrested. Within [the] hall, [when the one in the] Foremost Seat [i.e. Rector] gathered [the] assembly [to] save [and] protect [him, the] assembly [was] with upholding [of] recitation, likewise [with] aloud mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name] only.

[Focused Cultivation (Of) Mindfulness (Of) Buddha]


These two matters, [are] different from common sentiments. Having great persons serving [this] strategy, [they] truly can [be] imitated.


Of those now [with] mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name, they are] named as [having] focused cultivation.

[Āmítuófó Is The Same As Āgada Medicine]


As for [some] praying [for] lifespan, then [reciting the] Medicine Master Sūtra; [for] eliminating transgressions [and] faults, then [reciting the] Emperor Liáng’s Repentance; [for] aiding adversities [and] difficulties, then [reciting the] Elimination [Of] Calamities’ Mantra; [for] seeking wisdom, then [reciting the] Contemplator [Of] Sounds’ Text.


[With] that former mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name], tying [and] bundling it [on a] high shelf [i.e. put far away], seemingly for those matters not helping in the least.


Not considering that Buddha’s lifespan [is] immeasurable, moreover [for a] hundred [years’] lifespan?


Not considering mindfulness [of] that Buddha [is] able [to] eliminate eighty koṭis’ kalpas [of] births [and] deaths’ transgressions, moreover present transgressions, defilements, adversities [and] difficulties?


Not considering that Buddha said, ‘I, with wisdom light, widely illuminates inexhaustible worlds.’ Moreover, then [with] that people call wisdom?


[As] Āgada medicine, [with] ten thousand sicknesses altogether curing.


[If with] two [or] three [of] those minds [i.e. not wholehearted], not willing [to] believe [and be] convinced, [even with the] holy [and] skilful, moreover, what can be done?

Pure Land Tradition’s 8th Patriarch Great Master Liánchí
Essays [By The] Bamboo Window

Namo Amituofo : Translation and note by Shen Shi’an

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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