东[/南/西/北/下/上]方世界,有… 佛, 如是等恒河沙数诸佛。各于其国,出广长舌相,遍覆三千大千世界,说诚实言:『汝等众生,当信是《称赞不可思议功德一切诸佛所护念经》。』…
若有善男子、善女人,闻是经受持者,及闻诸佛名者。是诸善男子、善女人,皆为一切诸佛之所护念,皆得不退转于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。是故… 汝等皆当信受我语,及诸佛所说。
Please Faithfully Accept ‘The Sūtra With All Buddhas’ Mindful Protection’
In the eastern[/ southern/ western/ northern/ below/ above] directions’ worlds, there is… Buddha, such and all other Ganges River’s sands’ numbered Buddhas, each in his land, extending the broad and long tongue’s form, that covers completely his three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world, speaking these truthful words, “You and other sentient beings, should believe this ‘Sūtra With Praises Of Inconceivable Meritorious Virtues And All Buddhas’ Mindful Protection’.”…
If there are good men and good women, who hear this sūtra, accept and uphold it, and hear all these Buddhas’ names, all these good men and good women, will all by all Buddhas, be mindfully protected, and all attain non-retrogression for Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi. Therefore… you and all others should faithfully accept my words, and those that all Buddhas say.
Śākyamuni Buddha
(Amitābha Sūtra)
(Sūtra With Praises Of Inconceivable Meritorious Virtues And All Buddhas’ Mindful Protection

We Must Not Be Stubborn And Ignorant
As the eastern direction’s empty space is inexhaustible, its world-systems likewise are inexhaustible. As world-systems are inexhaustible, all world-abiding Buddhas likewise are inexhaustible. This is in summary cited as the number of Ganges River’s sands. These and all other Buddhas [of the southern, western, northern, below and above directions], each extend the broad and long tongue’s form to encourage Faith in this [Amitābha] Sūtra. Yet, if sentient beings still do not give rise to Faith, they are stubborn and ignorant to the extreme!
Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì
(Essential Explanation On The Amitābha Sūtra As Spoken By The Buddha)
Related Sūtra And Commentary:
Amitābha Sūtra
The Sūtra With Praises Of Inconceivable Meritorious Virtues And All Buddhas’ Mindful Protection
Essential Explanation On The Amitābha Sūtra As Spoken By The Buddha: How All Buddhas Urge Faith In Āmítuófó