Question: If I am mindful of the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva on my deathbed, would I be able to reach Amituofo’s (Amitabha Buddha) Pure Land?
Answer: If you practise mindfulness of Guanyin Pusa’s name – ‘Namo Guanshiyin Pusa’ (which is the simplest format: ‘Refuge in Guanshiyin Bodhisattva’), with the similar Three Provisions (of Faith, Aspiration and Practice), it is possible to reach Amituofo’s Pure Land too, where Guanyin Bodhisattva ‘stations’ in (while reaching out). Being one of the greatest assistant Bodhisattvas of Amituofo, it is stated in the sutras that she will come forth to guide those mindful of her to his Pure Land too. (Actually, all great Bodhisattvas, having great compassion, will guide us to the Pure Land we wish to go.)
However, a practical consideration is that most Buddhist support-chanting groups (in Singapore), whose help might be sought for, are more used to focusing on chanting Amituofo’s name. However, if you are determined, you can stick to mindfulness of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s name, even if there are support-chanters present, who happen to chant Amituofo’s name, while not knowing your preference, especially if too ill to speak. For those who are not so decided yet, it is encouraged to learn to focus on Amituofo’s name, as it is shorter (and thus easier to focus upon) and logically more ‘directly’ aligned (and less ’roundabout’), since Amituofo’s Pure Land is the place aspired towards.
With ample sincere and regular practice, one’s connection to Amituofo will be deepened. There should be no worry that Guanyin Bodhisattva, whom you might currently feel more close to, is being let down, as Amituofo is her teacher too, and being a great Bodhisattva with great loving-kindness, compassion, rejoice and equanimity, she more than welcomes us to be mindful of him, for practical and wise reasons such as the above. In Amituofo’s Pure Land, she can be met too.